You, Only Better
Digestive Health | Hormone Health | Pain Solutions | Immune Health
Regain Your
Digestive Vitality
The source of health in your body is found in the gut. It's where the body absorbs and makes nutrients, creates neurotransmitters, and creates a healthy immune system. Dr. Katie helps patients create balance in their gut microbiome to alleviate and eliminate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, upset stomach, gas and bloating, and more.
Regain Your
Hormone Vitality
Hormones are powerful messengers in our bodies which can cause damage and suffering when levels are suboptimal. When hormones are out of balance, testing should be done first and foremost followed by a thoughtful and personalized treatment plan. Dr. Katie helps patients achieve balance in their hormonal systems through bio-identical hormone therapy and other natural options to treat hot flashes and night sweats, low libido, fatigue, and more.
Regain Your
Immune Vitality
The body's immune system must strike a balance between being strong and being subdued, depending on where it is acting. Helping the immune system maintain that balance often takes a multi-faceted approach to the body overall. Dr. Katie helps patients sustain balance in their immune system to ease living with autoimmune disease like Hashimoto’s thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and more.
Regain Your
Body's Vitality
Pain is a message from your body signaling lack of balance. When we are in pain or our joints and muscles are dysfunctional not only do we experience unpleasant sensations, we also lose out on life. Dr. Katie helps patients restore balance in their bodies by eliminating pain and helping bodies work more optimally.