Schedule Now
Take the next step in your health journey by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Katie Brussard
Start Here:
In-person and telemedicine appointments are available!
Schedule online via this page or if the scheduling calendar is not loading call/text the office.
Discovery Call:
Ready to talk with Dr. Katie?
Schedule a complementary Discovery Call - select on the calendar.
Dr. Katie will call you at the number you provide.
Schedule an appointment: (New & Existing Patients)
In-person and telemedicine appointments are available!
Schedule using the online calendar.
Appointment details will be confirmed after you schedule.
You may also call or text the office at 801-448-0966 to schedule an appointment.
Helpful Links:
FAQs: Please click here for our FAQs to learn about visits and fees
Patient Health Record (PHR) Software: To access your Charm PHR account please click here
For further information please call or text our office at 801-448-0966.