Crucifers for Springtime
One of the best, most cost effective fresh veggies to pick up at the grocery store is a head of broccoli. We know fresh veggies are highest in nutrients (vs frozen or canned) and, although sometimes daunting to an inexperience home cook, broccoli is a great choice at the grocery store.
Fans of “The Dirty Dozen” will note that broccoli is not typically high in pesticide residues when conventionally grown, so when organic is unavailable I feel fine purchasing this non-organic. I thought because where I am it is still very much wintertime, I’d share with you an easy broccoli recipe - roasted broccolini and cauliflower.
Roasted Broccolini and Cauliflower Recipe
Broccoli, broccolini and cauliflower come from the same family - the cruciferous family - which includes arugula, kale and brussels sprouts (to name just a few). These veggies have so many benefits: contain a cancer-fighting chemical called DIM (diindolylmethane) which helps the body clear excess estrogen, vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, calcium, magnesium and potassium and are packed with fiber.
These vegetables have tremendous nutritional value and have been given a bad name. I think many folks have had bad experiences with crucifers because either (a) they weren’t cooked properly to make them enjoyable and/or (b) they had digestive upset from them due to being undercooked or having low digestive enzymes.
Bon appétit!