Regain Your Vitality
Dr. Katie Brussard N.D. is a next-generation natural medicine doctor,
based in Utah, serving clients worldwide.
Regain Your Digestive Vitality
Create balance in your gut microbiome to alleviate and eliminate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, upset stomach, gas and bloating, and more.
Regain Your Hormone Vitality
Achieve balance in your hormonal systems through bio-identical hormone therapy to treat hot flashes and night sweats, low libido, fatigue, and more.
Regain Your Immune Vitality
Sustain balance in your immune system to ease living with autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and more.
Regain Your Whole Body Vitality
Restore balance in your body by eliminating pain through custom treatments for joint pain, muscle pain, numbness and tingling, and more.
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Get to know
Dr. Katie Brussard
Dr. Katie Brussard, N.D. is a next-generation natural medicine doctor serving patients all over the world from her clinic based in Salt Lake City. Dr. Katie is an expert in gut health, hormone balance, pain treatments, and immune system health with a focus on the prevention and treatment of chronic disease.
What patients are saying about Dr. Katie
Dr. Katie Brussard
Signature Supplements
Physician-created supplements formulated to specifically support foundational, gut, adrenal, prenatal, and postnatal health.